Hey Everyone! I know I have been behind on posting, but thought I would post a quick blog on some of my favorite songs right now! Some of them came from the help of friends from posts on Facebook with our group Electrolife. Enjoy!
Michael Woods Vs. Morgan Page & Lissie - The Last Day on The Longest Road (Maor Levi Mash Up) SC Edit http://soundcloud.com/maorlevi123xyz/michael-woods-vs-morgan-page-tldontlr-maorlevimashup
I Want You - Lucky Date http://soundcloud.com/luckydate/iwantyou
Mr Mister - Wynter Gordon http://soundcloud.com/fratjams/01-mr-mister-feat-wynter
Dont Blame The Promises - Skrillex and Bingo Players http://soundcloud.com/djrovega/skrillex-bingo-players-dont
Somebody 2 Love - Cloud 9 http://soundcloud.com/cloudnineofficial/somebody2lovecloud9
Somebody that I Used to Know - Mad Sweaty Booty http://soundcloud.com/djmadnesss/somebody-i-use-to-know-mad
Dance with Somebody- TGIK Remix http://soundcloud.com/freshoncampus/dance-with-somebody-tgik-remix
New Bingo Players L'Amour ! They are killing it with every song they release. Can't wait to see them live at some point!
Wild One Two Mix -David Guetta, Nicky Romero, Jack Back http://hypem.com/track/1j2xq/David+Guetta,+Sia,+Nicky+Romero,+Jack+Back+-+Wild+One+Two+(Original+Mix)
Maths- DeadMau5 http://soundcloud.com/mau5traprecords/deadmau5-maths-1
Here is a link to the Swedish House Mafia set on BBC radio. Deadmau5 made a guest appearance. Highly recommend checking this out!