Wednesday, May 16, 2012

10 More Reasons Aaron O'Brien Will Be Crowned Mr. Marina

Well everyone, the highly anticipated Mr. Marina contest is one week away and I could not be more excited for this event to take place. A few months back, I started my campaigning for Aaron O'Brien with my blog on the "20 Reasons Why Aaron O'Brien be crowned Mr. Marina," as I wanted everyone to know what the front-runner of this competition was all about.  Over the past few months, as I predicted, OB has proved that he is highly qualified for this title and has even MORE  reasons that demonstrate to us that this competition was made for him :)  So here are another 10 reasons why he will be wearing that crown...

1. He is proud to be a Mr. Marina "finalist". No matter what the outcome...the nomination alone is truly an honor... 


2. Kissing babies has really paid off. Babies R' Us couldn't be more excited to be the official sponsor of Aaron O'Brien for Mr. Marina

3. He's got "ABC's Bachelor" written all over him. I mean those roses aren't going to sell themselves 

4. Despite all female attention...he never forgets..bros before hos. And yes he supports Gay rights :)

5. He is taking over the airline industry, one party at a time :) 


6. He never leaves home without his tickets to the guns show

7. He makes crabs look good....and that is one hard sell! 


8. If you can't pull off the party socks, you can't be Mr. Marina. 

                                     9.  He enjoys keeping things casual that is

10. And last but not least, he's got the best looking team on his side... even if the the guy to girl ratio is a little off :) 

We love you OB! Team O'Brien for life :)