Tuesday, November 20, 2012

TTT - Turkey Talk Time :)

It's that time of the year again. Time for some good quality TTT on the FFF! Gobble til you giggle! xoxo

Happy Thanksgiving, hahaha jk ;p

Its's about time Barbie added a little meat to those bones!

Thanksgiving 2011

Occu-PIE ... Feeding protesters since 2011 :)

Some funny stuff we made up for Thanksgiving last year :P



Luckily, I don't have to cook on Thanksgiving or worry about this issue if I did!

thanksgiving humor

And then comes this guy...



Kids these days... they say the darndest things :)

Laundry Mom Will Do It At Thanksgiving Funny Retro Poster

Can you fold it all for me too please?

Pumpkin Pie hat - a #Thanksgiving photo prop - so funny!

Happy Dogs-Giving :)

funny Thanksgiving card

Make that extra stretchy please!

Oh and wait... If you want to liven your Thanksgiving up this year... Just Do Tha Turkey Leg! LoL

Also, here are some funny links to Thanksgiving videos and articles that will have you giggling so much it hurts. Just as much as your tummy will after you eat all that turkey!

SNL Skit The Californias Thanksgiving edition : http://www.metacafe.com/watch/hl-60147840/saturday_night_live_the_californians_thanksgiving_season_38/

Thanksgiving as a Kid vs. and Adult : http://theoatmeal.com/comics/thanksgiving

Adam Sandler's Turkey Song -http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/11/24/adam-sandlers-thanksgivin_n_788173.html

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Hope you have a great turkey day with extra stuffing!!!!