Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wear it Wednesdays: One Fedora, Multiple Vnecks per crew :)

For all you boys out there lacking in the fashion department or searching for what's "cool" to wear these days, I'll let you in on a little secret...only one fedora per crew! I am sure only my close group of guy friends understand what I mean by this, but trust me, all can learn from this piece of fashion advice. Let me explain why...

I would say about 6 months ago fedoras became pretty trendy thanks to celebs like Justin Timberlake and DJs the EC Twins who made these hats look pretty darn good! All of my guy friends starting wearing them out and it was the hot item to own, but this posed one small problem. For groups of guys, or at least my friends, it looked a little silly when more then one guy in their crew was wearing a fedora because as you know, "matching outfits and accessories" isn't the most popular thing with men. LOL... So to avoid this dilemma, they came up with the rule ONE FEDORA PER CREW! I remember being out one night to dinner with a bunch of friends one night and one of our guy friends was wearing a fedora. Well 10 minutes later, in walks another fedora friend and that's when things escalated. Haha just kidding. But seriously that rule applied and first to show up in the fedora wins!
Breaking all the rules!!!!!

Although there is only room for one fedora per crew, I approve of multiple V-necks among a group of guy friends. Every girl can appreciate a good deep V :) Often I think it becomes a competition for deepest V and it cracks me up and I love it! I think every guy should own a solid set of Vs because you can never go wrong with them. And it's completely acceptable to have multiple Vs per crew... Duh.

So boys remember those tips... girls pass the info along if you know any males needing help in the fashion department :)

Night everyone! Thank you to all who have been reading my blog and keeping up with it!


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